Directors Joel Coen (L) and Ethan Coen pose for a photo in Los Angeles, California, November 15, 2013. For their new film, “Inside Llewyn Davis,” the brothers Coen painted themselves into this corner: They needed an actor for the title role of a struggling folk singer in the early 1960s who could carry an entire movie, be in every scene, convince the audience he was a musician and play songs live in their entirety multiple times. Oscar Isaac, 33, a Guatemala-born, Miami-raised actor and musician trained at the Juilliard School, turned out to be the ticket. Picture taken November 15. To match story FILM-INSIDELLEWYNDAVIS/ REUTERS/David McNew (UNITED STATES – Tags: ENTERTAINMENT SOCIETY PORTRAIT) – RTX162NO
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Claudio Fedele
Nato il 6 Febbraio 1993, residente a Livorno. Appassionato di Libri, Videogiochi, Arte e Film. Sostenitore del progetto Uninfonews e gran seguace della corrente dedita al Bunburysmo. Amante della buona musica e finto conoscitore di dipinti Pre-Raffaelliti.
Grande fan di: Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Wu Ming, J.K. Rowling, Charles Dickens e Peter Jackson.